Responsibilities of the Agency

→ Acquire, collect, conserve and manage Dr. Nkrumah’s Relics and the park.
→ Documentation and protection of Dr. Nkrumah’s personal relics.
→ Promote the ideas and ideals of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Pan Africanism.

Details of Activities

Organize the following
→ Re-enactment of Declaration of Independence
→ Conduct guided state and other tours for visitors.
→ Emancipation Day Wreath-Laying Ceremony and Colloquium in collaboration with other Agencies of the Ministry
→ Participation in International World Tourism Day Celebrations
→ Du Bois-Padmore-Nkrumah Annual Memorial Lectures in collaboration with other Agencies
→ Participation in exhibitions e.g., NAFAC

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