Festivals in Ghana throughout the year 

Period or MonthName of FestivalPlace or RegionPurpose of Celebration
Every six weeksAkwasidae Asantehene's Palace, Kumasi This is a festival celebrated by the Ashantis to commemorate their ancestors, the seasons and timings of various agricultural activities
JanuaryFaoNavrongo, Upper EastThe Fao festival is celebrated by communities in the Kassena Nankana Traditional Area to give thanks to the gods for protecting the people throughout the farming season and also express their appreciation for bumper harvest.
FebruaryDipo (Puberty rites) Odumase Krobo During this festival, puberty rights are performed on adolescent girls to initiate them into womanhood. This festival is also an opportunity for the people to exhibit their beautiful hand-made beads.
MarchGologo Talensi tong Zuk, Upper EastThis is a pre-harvest festival celebrated with sacrifices offered to ensure plentiful rain, a good harvest and to seek for protection in the coming season from the earthly gods.
MayAboakyer Winneba (Efutus), Central Region The festival which translates as ‘hunting for game or animal’ in the Fante dialect was instituted to commemorate the migration of Simpafo (traditional name of the people of Winneba).
June-JulyOhum Akyem Abuakwa, Eastern RegionA two days festival celebrated to mark the first yam harvest and ask for God’s blessings in the coming year. It also marks the anniversary of the Akyem nation.
1st Tuesday in JulyBakatue Elmina (Edinafo), Central RegionThe festival marks the beginning of the fishing season in Elmina. During this celebration, the people offer thanks and prayers to the gods for a good fishing year.
July-AugustAsafotufiam Ada, Greater AccraThe festival is celebrated in remembrance of the achievements of the ancestors who fought in wars for the settlement of their people. A local dance ‘Kpatsa’ is performed to entertain the chief and people.
July - AugustDamba Nalerigu, Tamale, Northern Region and Wa, Upper West The festival is celebrated to mark the birth and naming of Muhammad but mainly as a glorification of the chieftaincy. It is celebrated in the Dagomba lunar month of Damba.
AugustAkwambo Agona Swedru/Agona Nyakrom This festival is celebrated to commemorate the journey and arrival of the founding settlers of four towns namely, Ekrawfo, Otabenadze, Gyinankoma and Atakwaa.
August/SeptemberHomowo Gas, Greater Accra RegionThe people of Ga celebrate Homowo which means to hoot at hunger in remembrance of the famine that once occurred in their history as a people in the pre-colonial era.
SeptemberAwubiaEwutu, Central RegionIt is celebrated to hoot at hunger and welcome bumper harvest of grains.
1st Saturday in SeptemberFetu Afahye Cape Coast (Oguafo), CentralThe festival is celebrated in remembrance of a historic disease outbreak, to keep the town clean and to prevent another epidemic befalling the people.
SeptemberKobine Lawra, Upper West RegionKobine is a traditional dance and festival unique to the Lawra area of north western Ghana. The dance and the festival named after it are celebrated in September and October to mark the end of a successful harvest.
SeptemberOdwiraAkropong-Akwapim, Eastern RegionThis festival marks the celebration of a historic victory over the Ashantis in the past.
September 7 - 9KundumNzema, Western RegionKundum is celebrated to thank God for the abundance of food during the harvest season of the area.
1st Saturday in SeptemberEpor Lolobi-Kumasi, Volta Region
OctoberNgmayem Odumase Krobo,Greater Accra RegionThe festival is celebrated to commemorate the end of a famine that occurred some years past and to foster tribal unity and educate the younger generation on their history as a people.
OctoberApoo Wenchi/Tekyiman, Brong Ahafo RegionThis is a festival of purification of the people to rid them of social evil.
OctoberFofie Yam Nchiraa near Wenchi, Brong Ahafo RegionThe festival is celebrated to offer thanks to the gods for the harvest and invoke further blessings and protection for the year ahead.
NovemberKloyosikplem Yilo Krobo, Eastern Region
NovemberDodoleglime Ve Traditional Area, Volta RegionThe festival which translates as ‘coming out of the wall’ in the Ewe language is celebrated to mark the migration of the people from Notsie (a town in Togo) during the reign of Togbe Agorkoli. The festival is also to honor certain ancestors who played key roles in their secret escape.
1st Saturday in NovemberHogbetsotso Anloga, Volta Region The name of the festival means coming from Hogbe (Notsie) or festival of exodus. The festival is celebrated in remembrance of the migration of the Anglo people from a wicked king, Togbe Agorkoli.
NovemberMmoaninko Ofinso, Ashanti Region
November -DecemberAdekyemBechem, Brong AhafoBechem is derived from the Akan name 'Adekyem,' which literally means a place where items or gifts are distributed or shared, to remind the historical role of Bechem as the place where booty gained from the Asante wars was shared.
DecemberFiok Builsa’s – Sandema, Upper East Region This festival is celebrated as a harvest thanksgiving sacrifice to the gods of the Sandema people through the display of war dance by the various communities